About the Founder

Chase Clark, Founder of The Push Pull Co

Chase Clark, Founder of The Push Pull Co

I’m a 14 year (and currently serving) member of the Canadian Armed forces. Previously I was an Artillerymen, and now I’ve moved onto my current position as a Traffic Technician.

The military is a big part of my life and I try to let that show in the quality and style of the products. I’d never make a product I wouldn’t wear or use. I’m a no bullshit kind of guy.

I enjoy riding my motorcycle, shooting, and powerlifting. I’ve competed in several meets in multiple federations and am pretty involved in the powerlifting community.

The Push Pull came out of what in my opinion was a lapse of apparel that could be worn both in and out of the gym. I’m working hard to keep bumping out more products, and I welcome any and all feedback!

Thank you for your support!